(630) 360 - 9430



Mudding & Taping Drywall

The drywall has now been measured, cut and hung in place, it looks good but it’s not quite done yet. The last part of the drywalling process is to apply mud (joint compound) and tape to the butts of the drywall to have them join together. When doing this, you create a nice smooth finish throughout the entire wall making it all looks seamless and flawless.

Can you imagine an entire wall with visible signs of gaps and holes in them? How about visible screw holes? We can’t either, so we take our time when it comes to taping and mudding the joints together. There is nothing that bothers us more than a bad taping/mudding job. We hate when you can see screw heads popping up through the wall and we don’t like when things aren’t done properly.

The mudding process begins by applying a fiberglass tape over all the joints and then applying a coat of mud (join compound) over it. The first layer is applied using a thin mudding knife and is spread out evenly without any visible excess mud. Once it’s dry, we’ll sand down the mud to make it smooth with the sheetrock surface. We’ll also go ahead and cover any screws as well. Screws don’t require a lot of mud as a screw should never tear the top layer of sheetrock paper, it should only penetrate it. The goal of applying mud to screw heads is to just make the surface as even as possible.

We’ll go ahead and apply two more layers of mud to every joint and then smooth out the surface even further. Eventually the surface will be perfectly suitable for priming and painting which would be the next step of the process.

Taping and mudding is hard work and it’s physically taxing but any good drywall contractor should have this skill nailed down. If you don’t have a wall that was done by your local contractor then double check to make sure you have smooth surfaces all the way around. This step is crucial because applying paint to an unfinished drywall surface will yield you an awful paint job. You may even have to go back and redo the taping and mudding and then repaint the wall.

When it comes to this final phase of the process, we understand how important this part is and we’ve seen way too many drywall finishing jobs that have been botched up. We’ve been called in to fix a job that others did poorly and it’s mainly due to lack of experience and not having attention to detail. All of the guys on our crew have years of experience and are extremely skilled in the drywall trade. On every project we do, we make sure to check and double check our work to make sure nothing has been missed, forgotten, or simply accidentally overlooked.

It doesn’t look good when an amateur does a poor taping and mudding job but it looks even worse when a professional misses things. We don’t want to be put in that position so our men always review each others work before moving on to the next phase of the project.

Give us a call today to see how we can help you with your taping and mudding needs. We are a local drywall contractor serving Aurora and the surrounding cities and we’d love to help you on your next project.

We gladly help with both residential and commercial needs and we can get you a quote right over the phone. Call us today!